
Senior Instructor

Kirsi Ehrnrooth

An IT trainer and consultant with many decades of experience in training, designing training materials and videos, and customized training packages.


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    1. Content of Word Basic course

    • 1. Content of Word Basic course

    • Word Basic course excercises, save it to your own computer!

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    2. Start using Word

    • 2. Open program, get ruler, set quick access toolbar and status bar

    • 3. Ribbon, groups, shortcut menus

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    4. Auto Correct Options and resize and close Word window

    • 4. Auto Correct Options and resize and close Word window

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    5. Set language and spelling

    • 5. Set language and spelling

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    6. Writing text, enter and shift enter

    • 6. Writing text, enter and shift enter

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    7. Save document, edit text, remove and insert new text, split and merge paragraphs, change case

    • 7. Save document, edit text, remove and insert new text, split and merge paragraphs, change case

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    8. Undo, redo, text selections

    • 8. Undo, redo, text selections

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    9. Normal indent for text that exists or to empty document

    • 9. Normal indent for text that exists or to empty document

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    10. Document Properties and meta information

    • 10. Document Properties and meta information

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    11. Open old documents, text formats font, paragraph, colour and border formats

    • 11. Open old documents, text formats font, paragraph, colour and border formats

    • 12. Formatting Toolbar, special paragraph formats for colours and borders

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    13. Moving inside text with mouse or with keyboard keys and page break with shortcut keys

    • 13. Moving inside text with mouse or with keyboard keys and page break with shortcut keys

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    14. Excercise, open cats document and format it

    • 14. Excercise, open cats document and format it

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    15. Hanging indent

    • 15. Hanging indent

    • 16. Excercise for normal and hanging indent

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    17. Remove default paragraph spacing, bullets and numbering and multilevel list

    • 17. Remove default paragraph spacing, bullets and numbering and multilevel list

    • 18. Excercise for bullets and numbering

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    19. Hyphenation, print document, print preview and export to pdf

    • 19. Hyphenation, print document, print preview and export to pdf

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    20. Tabs, insert, remove and change tabs, insert date and time and insert page number

    • 20. Tabs, insert, remove and change tabs, insert date and time and insert page number

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    21. Insert header and footer, set tabs, remove header and footer

    • 21. Insert header and footer, set tabs, remove header and footer

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    22. Check spelling from cats document, copy, cut, paste and clipboard

    • 22. Check spelling from cats document, copy, cut, paste and clipboard

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    23. Page layout, page margins, page orientation, page size and page columns

    • 23. Page layout, page margins, page orientation, page size and page columns

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    24. Insert picture to your Word document

    • 24. Insert picture to your Word document

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    25. Insert table to your Word document

    • 25. Insert table to your Word document